Kashmiri BioScientist Heena Javed aims High, Drafts affects while onscreen

Kashmiri BioScientist Heena Javed aims High, Drafts affects while onscreen

Friday Brunch with Heena Javed 
“effect of mobile phone signals on human genes”
Kashmir based Bio Scientist Heena javed, consummated bachelors in Bioinformatics and is set to persue Further Education from Reputed institute based in Bangalore.

  Heena inscribed a book namely “BioShr”

and soon it was flooded with orders on e-commerce . I also indited a research  paper with a theme “effect of mobile phone signals on human genes” and is yet to published.

Being a medico I always wanted to do something different in order to make the future generation from the same line to learn Biology in a frolicsome and accessible way. we all ken the load and heftily ponderous reference books of the verbalized subjects, students don’t even touch them as they get panic even visually examining them, hence wasting their whole year without physically contacting their syllabus, ultimately facing dejection, apprehensiveness and even panic attacks.

So for that I endeavored my best to publish a book in fun and accessible way. I included animated slides at the terminus of each topic and endeavored explicating everything in the example format, book comprises of only 5 topics in the context. And it is the first edition. Hope people like it in future as well. 

*typos/errors omitted

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