Kashmiri in Turkey Famous Youtuber Musaib Afzal Set to Explore world, Read what is next
Monday, February 08, 2021
February 2021 - Explorer with
Founder of Kashmiri in Turkey on Kashmirlook
Musaib Afzal Najar hails from downtown srinagar from middle class family. In 2016 I applied many scholarships in UK, USA, France, and Turkey, I did not get selected in any country except Turkey and then it all started, right now I am studying in Turkey, later I got involved in social work as I was always ready to help people, and become full time volunteer of local NGO UDEF as a federation, is the biggest and a well known civil society movement working for international student association in Turkey with participating volunteers,65 associations in 75 provinces of Turkey. In order for international students to learn the social and cultural structure of Turkey and for them not to feel alone, international student gatherings, international student picnics, summer and winter camps and festive programs are organized.
I used to send videos from Turkey to my family showing Turkey, its culture and others things which were new to us. As kashmiri I realized majority of our people didn't get chance to travel so I thought to show them outside world, therefore I started a YouTube channel and facebook page with the name of "Kashmiri in Turkey"
My aim is to help people to indentify the problems faced in kashmir and find solutions and try to motivate youth to start working as done by other countries including Turkey. Also helping kashmiri students to get scholarship in different universities around the world and Turkey as well. I wanted to convey a Message that kashmiri people are not alone and the sons of kashmir Who are in different part of world didn't forget kashmir and its people. We miss it more than people who are in kashmir. I am also trying to promote kashmiri language with my videos.
No doubt the name of my channel is Kashmiri in Turkey but I am planning to bring knowledge from Other countries as well.
My plans was to travel to Europe, London, Indonesia and dubai which could not mature because of covid19, lets hope soon.
Watch, subscribe, follow Musaib on Facebook, YouTube aka Kashmiri in Turkey.