Poland Government Scholarship 2021 for BS, MS, PhD Programs (For International Students) – Poland Łukasiewicz Scholarship 2021

Poland Government Scholarship 2021 for BS, MS, PhD Programs (For International Students) – Poland Łukasiewicz Scholarship 2021

Apply link at end 

Opening dateFebruary 15, 2021
Days RemainingOngoing
CategoryScholarships in Europe
TypeFully Funded

Polish Government Scholarship 2021-2022 also known as Poland Łukasiewicz Scholarship for international students is now open that accepts applications for undergrad, master, and Ph.D. degree programs. It is a fully-funded Scholarship sponsored by Poland Government.

The objective of the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme is to support the socio-economic growth of developing countries (with the exclusion of Europe and Central Asia by way of raising the level of education and professional qualifications of these countries’ citizens. It is a joint scholarship initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Polish National Agency for 4 Academic Exchange NAWA in the form of Polish development aid. The Programme offers a scholarship to foreign students, enabling them to complete full-time second-cycle studies in the following fields: engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences and life sciences at higher education institutions (HEIs) supervised by the minister competent for higher education and science, within the regulation period of education. Moreover, at public HEIs, the Programme also offers a waiver of tuition fees throughout this period. The financial conditions of studies at non-public HEIs supervised by the minister competent for higher education and science are established by these HEIs. In such cases, the issue of tuition fees should be agreed on an individual basis between the Scholarship Beneficiary and the non-public HEI that accepts her or him. The matter of exemptions from tuition fees remains within the competence of the accepting non-public HEI.The Programme includes an obligatory monthly preparation course on scholarship conditions, preceding studies in Poland. The purpose of the course is to improve the students’ command of the Polish language and culture, and their knowledge in the area of their future fields of study. Studies under the Programme may be delivered in Polish or in another language. Decisions on the admission of candidates are made by the HEIs.

Poland Government Scholarship Benefits and Coverage

The Polish Scholarship covers the following two amounts that are:

    • PLN 1,700 a month throughout the preparation course (at which point the Scholarship Beneficiary does not have the status of a student and thus student discounts, such as those applicable to public transportation, are not available to her or him).
    • PLN 1,500 a month for students of second-cycle studies

Throughout the course of studies, Scholarship Beneficiaries also receive:

    • in the first year of studies, an increment of PLN 500 in the first month of studies for the purpose of covering costs of settling in Poland – this does not apply to students who have completed first-cycle studies in Poland;
    • In the last year of studies, an increment of PLN 500 in the last month of studies for the purpose of covering the costs of the diploma thesis preparation.

Poland Government Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Foreigners who meet all the criteria listed below at the time of the call for applications may apply for the NAWA scholarship for second-cycle studies in Poland under the Programme. Candidates must:

    • not be Polish citizens and must not have applied for Polish citizenship;
    • plan to commence second-cycle studies or a preparatory course in the academic year 2020/21;
    • be students of the last year of first-cycle studies in the fields of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences and life sciences at the time of submitting the application to the Programme or have obtained a diploma of completion of first-cycle studies in the above-mentioned fields not earlier than in 2017;
    • not have previously obtained a Master’s degree (second-cycle or uniform Master’s studies). If the two-cycle studies system is not universally in place in the country in which the student has obtained her or his first-cycle studies diploma, it is admissible to accept Applicants who hold a Master’s or equivalent diploma obtained no earlier than in 2017, as well as Applicants who are students of the last year of these studies, conducted in the fields of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences and life sciences.
    • not have previously been granted a scholarship under the Programme;
    • speak English at least at the B2 level. Language competencies must be confirmed with a document listed in point 2.5 of these Regulations.

Poland Government Scholarship Courses

Under the Programme, Applicants may receive scholarships to study at HEIs supervised by the minister competent for higher education and science, in the fields of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences, and life sciences.

    • take up studies in Polish or in another language at public and non-public HEIs,
    • receive monthly scholarship funds from the NAWA,
    • be exempt from public HEI tuition fees throughout the regulation study period. The financial conditions of studies at non-public HEIs supervised by the minister competent for higher education and science are established by these HEIs. In such events, the issue of tuition fees is agreed on an individual basis between the Scholarship Beneficiary and the non-public HEI that accepts her or him. The matter of exemptions from tuition fees remains within the competence of the accepting non-public HEI,
    • participate in a semester or annual preparation course preceding studies in Poland. The preparation course offer is addressed only to those Scholarship Beneficiaries who have not completed first-cycle studies in Poland. The purpose of the course is to improve the students’ command of Polish and their knowledge in the area of their future studies.
    • Applicants who qualify for preparation courses preceding their studies in Poland under the Programme complete the course at the institution indicated by NAWA. Allocation to individual institutions is determined by the field of planned studies, the planned date of commencement of studies, and the availability of places at the institutions.

Poland Government Scholarship Application Process

The following must accompany the Poland Government Scholarship application:

    1. a scan of the Applicant’s valid passport page with the Applicant’s personal information, confirming the Applicant’s nationality;
    2. an outline of the planned Master’s thesis in the field of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences, or life sciences – specifying the topic and the research method. The description must be entered in the form available in the NAWA system;
    3. scan of the diploma of completion of first-cycle studies in the fields of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences, or life sciences, along with the supplement (transcript of subjects taken) and the GPA, conferred no earlier than in 2017.
    4. In the case of Applicants whose supplement does not specify the GPA achieved throughout first-cycle studies – a document issued by the HEI stating this GPA, bearing a university seal.
    5. In the case of Applicants who are students of the last year of first-cycle studies – a scan of a document issued by the student’s HEI, confirming her or his GPA as at the date of application, along with information on the planned completion date of studies.
    6. In the case of absence of a diploma or Applicants who at the time of submitting the application does not yet have a diploma of completion of first-cycle studies – a scan of a document issued by the HEI confirming that the Applicant has completed first-cycle studies, along with the GPA achieved in first-cycle studies (no earlier than in 2017).
    7. If a two-cycle system of studies is not in place in the Applicant’s country of origin – a scan of the diploma of completion of Master’s degree or equivalent, obtained no earlier than in 2017 along with a supplement or a document issued by the HEI indicating the GPA from the entire course of studies. In the case of Applicants who are students of the last year of these studies – a scan of a document issued by the HEI indicating the GPA from the entire course of studies, bearing the HEI seal;
    8. Applicant’s declaration of not having previously completed a Master’s degree studies (second-cycle or uniform studies) – does not apply to Applicants who received their diploma of completion of first-cycle studies in a country where the two-cycle system of studies is not in place;
    9. a scan of a certificate confirming knowledge of English at least at B2 level – a list of accepted certificates are provided in Appendix no. 2 to the Regulations.

If the appendices are issued in a language other than Polish or English, it is also necessary to submit their translation into Polish. The translation must be either done by a certified translator of Polish or certified by a Polish embassy or consulate. In countries where the institution of a certified translator does not exist, it is possible to submit translations of documents.

List of Countries Eligible for Polish Government Scholarship

Following is the list of countries that are eligible for Poland Government Scholarship:

Angola Afghanistan Mali Ethiopia Algeria Morocco The Philippines Antigua and Barbuda Mauritania India Argentina Mauritius Indonesia Bangladesh Micronesia Kenya Belize Mongolia Colombia Benin Montserrat Lebanon Bhutan Mozambique Mexico Bolivia Namibia Myanmar Botswana Nauru Nigeria Brazil Nepal Palestine Burkina Faso Niger Peru Burundi Nicaragua Republic of South Africa Cape Verde Niue Senegal Chad Pakistan The Tanzania  Democratic Republic of Congo Palau Uganda Dominica Panama Vietnam Djibouti Papua New Guinea Egypt Paraguay Ecuador South Sudan Eritrea Dominican Republic Eswatini Central African Republic Fiji Rwanda Gabon El Salvador Gambia Samoa Ghana São Tomé and Principe Grenada Sierra Leone Guyana Somalia Guatemala Sri Lanka Guinea Swaziland Equatorial Guinea Sudan Guinea-Bissau Surinam Haiti Syrian Arab Republic Honduras Thailand Iraq Timor-Leste Iran Togo Jamaica Tokelau Yemen Tonga Jordan Tunisia Cambodia Tuvalu Cameroon Vanuatu Kiribati Wallis and Futuna Comoros Venezuela Congo Côte d’Ivoire Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Saint Helena Costa Rica Saint Lucia Cuba Marshall Islands Lao People’s Democratic Republic Solomon Islands Lesotho Sant Vincent and the Grenadines Liberia Zambia Libya Zimbabwe Madagascar Malawi The Maldives Malaysia.

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