Scholarship in UK : GREAT Scholarships in the UK, 2021
Here are more details about the GREAT Scholarships
Host Universities:
Bournemouth University
Robert Gordon University
Teesside University
Ulster University
University College London
University of Essex
University of Glasgow
University of Manchester
University of Northampton
University of Reading
University of York
Bangor University
Edinburgh Napier University
Nottingham Trent University
Royal Agriculture University
University of Bath
University of Cambridge
University of Derby
University of Dundee
University of Derby
University of Edinburgh
University of Hull
University of South Wales
University of Warwick
These are the top universities of the UK that will be hosting Pakistani students. You can check the list of host universities on the official website according to the country.
Number of Scholarships Offered:
Pakistan: 27 postgraduate scholarships
Bangladesh: 11 postgraduate scholarships
China: 44 postgraduate scholarships
India: 60 postgraduate scholarships
Malaysia: 30 postgraduate scholarships
Nepal: 9 postgraduate scholarships
Sri Lanka: 9 postgraduate scholarships
Thailand: 28 postgraduate scholarships
Indonesia: 30 postgraduate scholarships
Egypt: 13 postgraduate scholarships
Mexico: 20 postgraduate scholarships
Ghana: 15 postgraduate scholarships
Kenya: 14 postgraduate scholarships
Deadline is September 1, 2021