UNICEF Free Emergency Telecommunications Training

UNICEF Free Emergency Telecommunications Training

Emergency Telecommunications Training (ETT) e-Learning Series
This course will build your ICT skills to support humanitarian response & acquire prerequisite skills needed for the hands-on training.

About this course
This online course for the theory component of the Emergency Telecommunications Training (ETT) will:

Develop your capacity to support emergencies as an ICT responder;
Equip you with strong background knowledge needed to support humanitarian response efforts
The course comprises the following modules:

Emergency Preparedness and Response
Alternative Power Systems
Mobile Satellite Services
ICT Management in Humanitarian Response
This course is intended for:

UNICEF ICT Personnel
UNICEF Partners in the ICT field
Emergency Telecommunications Cluster partners
All newly recruited ICT personnel are encouraged to complete the course as part of their induction
It should take approximately 60 minutes to complete each self-paced module of the course.

This course will equip you with prerequisite skills needed for the hands-on Emergency Telecoms Training. It is composed of an introductory module and 5 additional self-paced modules. Each module introduces 'key messages' illustrated by interactive icons with links to additional resource material. The course modules are available with or without audio, but a transcript is provided for all audio. Quick knowledge checks in each module encourage you to reflect on the newly acquired knowledge and each module finishes with an overall assessment. A certificate (for the module) is issued upon successful completion of each module's assessment and an ETT eLearning Series Certificate of Completion is awarded after all modules have been successfully completed.

Each module in this course comprises:

The module content
Knowledge checks
A scenario exercise
A module assessment/quiz

Contact details
For questions related to course content:
Hani Shannak, hshannak@unicef.org; Ike Uzoegwu, iuzoegwu@unicef.org; Antonio Gomes, agomes@unicef.org

For questions on technical issues, please contact:
Agora Team agora@unicef.org

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