Scholarships in Japan 2022-2023 | Fully Funded Yokohama National University Scholarships
Yokohama National University Scholarship 2022 is a commendable opportunity for youngsters passionate to register for master’s or doctoral programs in a reputed institution. This MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship – University Recommended Program aims at establishing a varied cultural community devoted to carrying constructive changes internationally.
The MEXT Scholarships 2022 at the Yokohama National University, is a fully-funded scholarship program. This is sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, Sports, and Culture of Japan. Since the establishment of this scholarship in 1954, approximately 65,000 students belonging to 160 countries and regions across the world have studied in Japan under this scholarship program. Under MEXT, seven types of scholarships are being offered: research students, Undergraduate students, Japanese studies students, teacher training students, special training college students, college of technology students, and Young leader program students.
Yokohama National University Scholarship 2022 in Japan:
Host Country:
- Japan
Host University:
- Yokohama National University
Degree Level:
- Master’s Degree Program
- Doctoral Degree Program
Degree Duration:
- Master’s Degree Program (2 years)
- Doctoral Degree Program (3 years)
Benefits of YNU Japan Scholarship 2022:
- A Monthly stipend varies according to the programs.
- Free accommodation
- Full university tuition fee paid by the university.
- Medical insurance is provided.
- It facilitates students from round-trip plane tickets from their home town to Japan and vice versa
Eligibility Criteria of Yokohama National University Scholarship 2022:
The candidate must fulfill the following general requirements:
- Have nationality of a country having diplomatic relations with Japan.
- 34 years of age or below as of April 1, 2022.
- Be able to reach Japan before the 2022 Fall semester.
- Names of two recommenders.
Master Degree Program
- The candidate must have an outstanding academic record in graduation.
- Candidate must possess four years bachelor’s degree
- Candidate must possess proof of English Proficiency in form of either TOEFL, or IELTS, or equivalent scores.
Doctoral Degree Program
- The candidate must have an outstanding academic record in masters and under graduation.
- The candidate must have vigorous potential to complete the assignments given.
- Candidate must possess four years bachelor’s degree or master’s degree.
- Candidate must possess proof of English Proficiency in form of either TOEFL, or IELTS, or equivalent scores.
How to Apply for the Yokohama National University Scholarship 2022?
- The applicants have to apply online.
- The applicants will receive an email notification confirming the application submission.
- Provide all your detailed personal information, e.g., name, address, date of birth, country, religion, etc.
- Complete all the required fields for each level.
- Provide all the data of your current affiliation, e.g., academic or professional.
- Upload scanned copies of required documents in a specified format.
- Complete your application carefully and submit it.
- The results of selected candidates will be notified by March 2022.
- The university issues a “Letter of Provisional Acceptance” to the selected candidates.
Documents Required for the Yokohama National University MEXT Scholarship 2022?
- IELTS, TOEFL, or EmSAT score report for English proficiency. (If the applicant has completed their last degree in English, he/she can submit the English Proficiency Certificate issued by the university).
- Research plan of 5 pages in A4 size (PDF/Word File), including abstract comprising of 1/3rd portion of the first page.
- Academic Transcripts.
- The academic Performance entry sheet for e-apply, specifying GPA scores.
- Passport details.
- Detailed CV or resume.
Application Deadline:
- The application deadline for the Yokohama International MEXT Scholarship in Japan is 15th December 2021.