Fully Funded Global Peace Summit 2022 Baku Azerbaijan
Global Youth Summit duration is 4 Days. The Timeline is 29 May To 1st June, 2022. The Total Number of Places are 150. Air-Ticket, Accommodation, Peace Passport, Certificate, Refections (Breakfast and Lunch), Conference Kit, Cultural Evening Form, and Festivity Party would all be covered by a fully funded conference. There will be delegates from 180 nations in attendance.
This summit aims to bring together outstanding young people to assist them in forming networks with like-minded individuals and global leaders. Eligible are students pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degrees in any academic field in any country. Baku Vibes with International students is a must-see. At the Baku Summit, people from all around the world will gather. All the details about the Global Peace Summit Baku 2022 is as follows
Global Peace Summit Baku 2022 Details
- Country: Azerbaijan
- Duration: 4 Days
- Places: 150
- Dates :29 May To 1st June, 2022
- Host Organization :Global Peace Chain
- Deadline April 29, 2022
Global Peace Summit Baku 2022 Benefits
- 15 Completely Funded, 25 Partial Funded and 110 Tone Funded places
- Airfare & Accommodation
- Visa Assistance
- Opportunity to interact with Global Leaders
- Meet with like-inclined youthful social entrepreneurs
- A chance to partake your social impacts
- Peace Education & Leadership Capacity Building Sessions
- Politic Panel Addresses
- Crucial note speeches
- Concentrated group conversations
- Group conditioning
- Awards & Instruments
- Signatory crusade
- Cultural Presentation
- Gala Night
Number of Scholarships in Global Peace Summit 2022
There will be 150 seats in aggregate. It will be divided into three parts. Completely Funded, No Funding and Partially Funding.
- There will be 15 Completely Funded spots
- 25 Incompletely Funded spots
- 110 Self Funded spots.
Topics of Discussion in Global Peace Summit
- Are mortal rights widely propagated or culturally constrained?The part played by transnational associations in the attainment of world peace-stingy or major.
- The impact of globalization on Identity in moment’s world-has the marvels strengthened or monopolized individualities.The soberness of social media-can it actually check Peace issues or it’s all an vision
What’s The Eligibility?
- Age between 16-40 of age
- Applicants must be open-minded, highly motivated, and enthusiastic.
- Applicants are urged to apply if they are students or young professionals.
- Devoted to achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Operation Figure
- 35 USD (Not Refundable and can not be challenged if you aren’t named in any order)
How To Apply For Global Peace Summit Baku
The applicant will submit an operation for the defined orders. The selection commission will assess your operation based on your social accomplishments and assign a fashionable fit order to your operation.