Fully funded Scholarship - Global Korea GKS Undergraduate Scholarship 2023-24
Basic Details
- Country: South Korea
- Course Level: Undergraduate
- Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
- Deadline: Full 2022
- Round Airfare Tickets
- Resettlement Allowance
- Living Allowance
- Medical Insurance
- Language Courses
- Full Tuition Fees
- Award for Excellent Korean Language Proficiency
- Research Support
- Printing Costs
- Completion Grant
Support Duration
- Associate Degree: Time Period 1 year of Korean language study plus 23 years of degree study
- Bachelor's Degree: 1 year of Korean language study plus 46 years of degree study.
Eligibility Criteria
All applicants and their parents must be non-Koreans.
Korean nationals and dual citizens (those who have both Korean and foreign citizenship) are not eligible to apply.
Education Level:
The bachelor's degree programme is designed for applicants who have graduated (or are about to graduate) from high school or an associate degree programme.
The associate degree programme is designed for applicants who have graduated (or are about to graduate) from high school.
Applicants with a bachelor's degree are not eligible to apply. Applicants with an associate degree are only eligible to apply to bachelor's programmes.
Applicants who anticipate to graduate must include a certificate of expected graduation with their application. If they pass the last round of selection, such applicants must submit a graduation certificate (or a degree certificate) by February 28, 2023.
Applicants with a bachelor's degree are not eligible to apply. Applicants with an associate degree are only eligible to apply to bachelor's programmes.
Applicants who anticipate to graduate must include a certificate of expected graduation with their application. If they pass the last round of selection, such applicants must submit a graduation certificate (or a degree certificate) by February 28, 2023.
Applicants with a bachelor's degree are not eligible to apply. Applicants with an associate degree are only eligible to apply to bachelor's programmes.
Applicants who anticipate to graduate must include a certificate of expected graduation with their application. If they pass the last round of selection, such applicants must submit a graduation certificate (or a degree certificate) by February 28, 2023.
The score percentile should be 80% or higher on a 100-point scale, or in the top 20% of one's class.
The CGPA must be 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, or 3.23/5.0.
Must be under 25 years of age (born after March 1, 1998)
Documents required
- Application Form
- Personal Statement
- Study Plan
- ONE letter of Recommendation
- GKS Applicant Agreement
- Personal Medical Assessment
- Proof of citizenship (applicant and parents) and proof of family relationship
- High School Graduation Certificate (or certificate of expected graduation)
- Academic transcript of the high school curriculum
- Graduation certificate (or certificate of expected graduation) of the associate degree program
- Academic transcript of associate degree
- Proof of Overseas Korean Document
- Proof of Korean Citizenship Renunciation Document
- Proof of Korean War Veteran’s Descendant
How to Apply
- Applicants must fill up and submit the online application form.
- Read the most recent GKS Scholarship Application Announcement for 2023.
- Follow the link to apply: