Swiss Government Fully funded Excellence Scholarships 2023 -24 Study in Switzerland
Saturday, October 22, 2022
The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship is now available. This post will go into depth regarding this scholarship, its perks, and the application procedure.
The Swiss Government Excellence Award 2023-2024 is a fully financed foreign student scholarship. This fellowship is available for master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral study. This scholarship includes a monthly stipend, tuition price waiver, health insurance, plane travel, and a housing allowance.The Federal Commission of Scholarships (FCS) in partnership with the Swiss government sponsors the Swiss Scholarship. More than 180 countries are eligible for Swiss Government Scholarships.
Participants of any nationality are welcome. This award is open to highly educated postgraduate researchers from various academic subjects as well as young medical physicians.The Research Scholarship is available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (minimum master's degree) who plan to come to Switzerland to pursue doctoral or post-doctoral studies. Research scholarships are awarded for research or study at all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences, and the two federal institutes of technology.
Basic Details
- Level of Study: Masters, PhD, Postdoctoral
- Institution: Swiss Government / Swiss Universities
- Study in: Switzerland
- Opportunity Focus Areas: See types below.
- Program Period: Depends on the chosen degree.
- Deadline: Country specific. You can check from here
Types of Swiss Government
- The research fellowship is accessible to post-graduate researchers in any subject (with a master's degree or above) who wish to come to Switzerland to pursue doctorate or post-doctoral study.
- All Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences, and the two federal institutes of technology, as well as the four research institutes, provide research scholarships for research or study. Only candidates suggested by an academic mentor at one of these institutes of higher learning will be considered.
- Art scholarships are available to students pursuing an initial master's degree in Switzerland.
- Scholarships for study at any Swiss conservatory or university of the arts are available. This grant is only offered to students from a select group of universities.
Scholarship Coverage
- The scholarship amounts to CHF 1,920 per month.
- The FCS exclusively pays for obligatory Swiss health insurance for non-EU and non-EFTA grantees.
- There are no concessions for families.
- Non-EU and non-EFTA scholarship holders get a flying allowance (a lump payment) for a return trip to their home country (provided at the end of the scholarship).
- Housing allowance of CHF 300 (paid once at the beginning of the scholarship).
- Half-fare public transportation pass valid for one year.
- Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship winners are provided with support services as well as numerous vacations, meals, and sightseeing tours.
- For specific scholarship advantages, please see the country-specific fact sheets.
Eligibility Criteria for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
- To be eligible for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships, candidates must meet all of the conditions listed below:
- English is the required language.
- All countries in the globe are eligible.
- Master's degree or comparable university degree obtained before to July 31, 2022 (degree certificate) accepted by a Swiss university The degree must be presented to the Federal Commission for Scholarships as verification prior to the start of the scholarship.
- Applicants must have been born after December 31, 1987.
- Applicants who have lived in Switzerland for more than a year prior to the start of the scholarship in September are ineligible.
- Applicants must provide a letter from an academic host professor (with a brief CV) at the chosen Swiss university confirming her/his willingness to oversee and assist the study.
- Applicants must submit a research proposal with a time period. This is the application's focal point. The candidate must give it his or her whole attention.
- Applicants must be fluent in the language abilities required for the research/studies.
- Applicants who have previously received a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship are unable to apply for another scholarship.
- Scholarship recipients are expected to relocate to Switzerland throughout the duration of their scholarship.
How to Apply for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships?
Please follow the following application instructions to Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships:
(Step -1) Prepare the following documents:
- Signed FCS application form (typed and printed) with
- A full CV with list of academic publications, awards,
- A motivation letter (max. 2 pages).
- A complete research proposal (max. 5 pages, signed), using exclusively the FCS research proposal
- A copy of the letter from an academic host professor (including her/his short CV) at the chosen Swiss university confirming why she/he is willing to supervise and support the research.
- A short CV of the academic mentor at the home institution.
- Two confidential letters of recommendation from two different professors in the applicant’s field (use exclusively the FCS reference form – originals in sealed envelopes only for the 1st set). No copies for 2nd set.
- Photocopies of certificates and grade sheets from previously attended universities/colleges and diplomas with grades, starting with the most recent. If not in English, French, Italian or German with attested certified translations in English. Do not submit the original certificates.
- Signed medical certificate (use only the FCS health certificate form).
- Two copies of the applicant’s passport (main page with personal data). Dual nationals add copies of both passports. Applicants already in Switzerland during the application procedure add a copy of the residence permit for Switzerland.
(Step -2) The application package can be obtained Swiss representation of your country.
(Step -3) Please submit 2 sets (=1 original + 1 copy) of application documents in exact order given below: The 1st set contains the original, signed documents plus the confidential letters of recommendation and, if applicable the attested translations in English. The other set is the copy of the 1st set except for the confidential letters of recommendation (only 1st set). No copies for 2nd set.