Fully funded University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships 2023

Fully funded University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships 2023

Apply for the University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships 2023 while studying on a Fully Funded Scholarship. The University of Helsinki has 23 Fully Funded Master Scholarships available. All foreign candidates from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland are eligible for the Scholarship. And this is one of Finland's top universities. All expenses will be covered by the Helsinki Scholarship 2023. Please keep in mind that there is only one admission per academic year. As a result, you can apply online before the deadline. In the online application form for this Program, you can pick Finland Government Scholarship. The Scholarship will last for two years.
At the University of Helsinki, you may pick from a wide range of multidisciplinary master's programmes taught in English. The majority of the programmes are available in English. Many university applications in Finland open in December and close in January. Scholarships are available at all Finnish universities. The University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships 2023 are described in full below.

Financial Coverage

The Helsinki University Scholarship is a Fully Funded Master's scholarship for 2023/24. Scholarships of several forms are available, including:

  • Tuition expenses range between 13000 and 18000 euros.
  • The scholarship will last for two years.
  • Finland scholarships pay 100% of tuition expenses and include a relocation stipend of 5000 Euros.
  • The scholarship and 5000 EUR will be extended for your second year of study.
  • Student lunch deals
  • Reduced reliance on public transportation.

List of Master Programs at Helsinki University

  • Ag­ri­cul­tural Sciences
  • Ag­ri­cul­tural, Environ­mental and Re­source Eco­nom­ics (AGERE)
  • At­mo­spheric Sciences
  • Changing Education
  • Chemistry and Mo­lecu­lar Sciences
  • Com­puter Science
  • Con­tem­por­ary So­ci­et­ies
  • Data Science
  • Eco­logy and Evol­u­tion­ary Biology
  • Eco­nom­ics
  • Eng­lish Stud­ies
  • Environ­mental Change and Global Sustainability
  • European and Nordic Stud­ies
  • Food Sciences
  • Forest Sciences
  • Ge­net­ics and Mo­lecu­lar Bios­ciences
  • Geo­graphy
  • Geo­logy and Geo­phys­ics
  • Global Governance Law
  • Global Polit­ics and Communication
  • Hu­man Nu­tri­tion and Food-Re­lated Be­ha­viour
  • In­teg­rat­ive Plant Sciences
  • In­ter­cul­tural En­coun­ters
  • In­ter­na­tional Busi­ness Law
  • Life Science In­form­at­ics
  • Lin­guistic Di­versity and Digital Hu­man­it­ies
  • Materials Research (MATRES)
  • Mathematics and Stat­ist­ics
  • Micro­biology and Mi­cro­bial Biotechnology
  • Neuroscience
  • Particle Phys­ics and As­tro­phys­ical Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Research, Development, and Safety
  • Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies
  • The­or­et­ical and Com­pu­ta­tional Meth­ods
  • Trans­la­tional Medicine (TRANSMED)
  • Urban Stud­ies and Plan­ning

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. International applicants from outside the EU/EEA
  2. You satisfy the conditions for getting a Finnish entrance visa and residence permit.
  3. You have achieved good outcomes in past research, which you may demonstrate in your application.

How to Apply

  1. First, navigate to the Master's programmes website and find the Master's programme to which you wish to apply.
  2. See the directions for applying to the Master's programme and preparing the necessary paperwork.
  3. Use the same application form you used to apply to the Master's programme to apply for a scholarship.
  4. Please include all essential attachments.
Visit here to apply

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