Fully Funded Germany Einstein Fellowship 2024 : An Opportunity to Advance Your Research in Germany
Friday, April 28, 2023
Applications for the Einstein Fellowship 2024 will shortly be closed. If you have not yet applied for the Fully Funded Fellowship in Germany, you still have time. The Einstein Forum and the Wittenstein Foundation offer the Einstein Fellowship Programme to young people from all across the world. All costs are covered.
Applicants will reside in Einstein's summer residence in Caputh, Brandenburg. A fully funded summer fellowship in Germany is available. The programme will last five to six months, with the Einstein Fellowship Programme covering housing, a stipend of EUR 10,000, and travel expenses.
What must you do to be considered for this Fellowship? Continue reading below:
What exactly is the Einstein Fellowship Programme?
- Albert Einstein established the Fellowship programme for great young minds who want to pursue a topic in a subject other than their prior study.
- Your planned project cannot be included in your dissertation or thesis.
Fellowship Benefits
The following items will be distributed to all Fellows:
- A stipend of €10,000 is available. (This stipend is intended to cover living expenses.)
- You will be reimbursed for your travel expenses. (Airline Return Tickets)
- You will be housed at Einstein Summerhouse, a garden home.
- The Fellowship will last around five to six months. In general, it will be in the summer of 2024.
Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates must be under the age of 35.
- A university degree in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences is required.
- A CV, a two-page project idea, and two letters of recommendation should also be included with your application.
How to Apply
- You must first get the Application Form.
- Complete the Application Form.
- Only English documents should be attached.
- After you've finished, email all of the documents and forms to fellowship@einsteinforum.de.