Fully Funded Italy Government Scholarships 2023-2024 for Master and PhD Study in Italy for Free
Friday, May 05, 2023
Call for Applications for 2023-24. Fill out an application for the MAECI Italy Government Scholarship 2023-24. The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) awards scholarships to foreign students and Italian citizens each year. The MAECI Scholarship will allow you to pursue Master's and PhD programmes at Italian public universities. The Italian government hopes to promote the Italian language and culture through this scholarship.
Participants are eligible to apply for this Fully Funded Scholarship if they apply to any Italian Public University. As a result, this scholarship will pay for their tuition, enrollment, health insurance, and a monthly allowance to cover their expenditures.
The MAECI Italy Government Scholarship 2023 is described in greater detail below:
- So, if you want to get into an Italian university, apply now. However, you do not have sufficient finances to cover or fund your studies.
- So, if you are chosen for this MAECI Scholarship, your expenditures will be covered.
- As a result, the MAECI Scholarship Programme is supported by the majority of Italian public universities.
- Select MAECI Scholarship when applying to any Italian university.
Financial Coverage
Candidates chosen for Italian government scholarships will benefit from the following:
- Payment of enrollment and tuition fees is waived.
- MAECI has purchased health and medical/accident insurance.
- A monthly grant of 900 Euros will be deposited directly into a student's bank account.
Eligibility Criteria
- A bachelor's degree is required for applicants to a master's degree programme.
- At the time of application for the Master's degree programme, you must be 28 years old or younger.
- If you are applying for a PhD programme, you must be under 30 years old at the time of application.
- The applicant must be able to demonstrate English language competency through IELTS or another language certificate such as English competency Language Proof.
Eligible Countries
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bielorussia, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brasile, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambogia, Camerun, Canada, Cile, Cina, Cipro, Colombia, Congo Kinsh., Corea Sud, Costa D'avorio, Costarica, Croazia, Cuba, Russa, Filippine, Francia, Georgia, Germania, Ghana, Giappone, Giordania, Grecia, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israele, Kazakhstan, Kenia, Kirghizistan, Kosovo, Lettonia, Libano, Libia, Lituania, Macedonia Del Nord, Malesia, Mali, Malta, Marocco, Messico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambico, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Niger,
How to Apply
Applicants must complete and submit an online application. Google "Maeci Scholarship" to get the most recent call for 2023-24. The link is provided below.
visit here to apply