Study in UK - Oxford Perishing Square Graduate is now accepting applications for fully funded Scholarships 2024-2025

Study in UK - Oxford Perishing Square Graduate is now accepting applications for fully funded Scholarships 2024-2025

Oxford Perishing Square Graduate Scholarships 2024-2025 have been announced for students who want to study in the United Kingdom but live outside of their home city. These UK scholarships welcome you with open arms to pursue a master's degree at one of the world's finest universities, "The University of Oxford." These scholarships are available to both domestic and international students interested in pursuing a Master's degree or a 1+1 MBA program in international academic dynamics. Scholarships will alleviate your financial strain by providing a grant for course fees. Your time at the University of Oxford will transform your career.
The Oxford scholarships in Europe aim to encourage exceptional students by providing six full awards covering Master's and MBA degree programs. Through this scholarship option, students can continue their 1+1 MBA partnership program at the University of Oxford and combine it with the full-time MBA program. To be qualified for the chance, you must have good educational experience, the ability to address the social problems associated with career advancement, and a commitment to discovering viable and sustainable solutions to society's worldwide challenges. As a result, you will be able to contribute to the overall development of societies and communities.
If you actually meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply for the scholarship on merit. Everyone is fighting to meet their hands in these time of economic distress. These scholarships can help you avoid the financial stress of paying university fees and continue your career on solid professional footings. The UK is not only helping you pay your tuition and living expenses, but it is also assisting you in creating an environment that will foster your integrity, personal character, and career growth.
The scholarship opportunity to study at the greatest institution in Europe will provide you with several on-course options, such as attending big conferences, influential events, and life-changing activities of scholarly communities. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to attend the European Foundation, a Perishing Square Foundation, spring "trek" to New York. Through their great mentoring talents, the mentors are always ready to provide you with the necessary support. The social issues of racism, gender discrimination, sexual orientation, disability, and other societal elements are discussed here. The agenda for promoting diversity and inclusion assists the University in achieving its goals by analyzing and changing existing policies.


  • The scholarship will pay the tuition for the Master's degree and MBA programs.
  • The scholarship will cover living expenses (minimum Euro 17,668 per year for two years).
  • You will be acquainted with European customs, culture, and norms.
  • Your expertise will be honed in an international academic setting.
  • This scholarship will assist you in contributing to the attainment of your life objectives.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Prior to the selection procedure, you must have been admitted to the Oxford Master's program or the 1+1 MBA program.
  • You must not have previously been considered for the scholarship.
  • You may apply if you have been admitted to the 1+1 MBA program.
  • To study at an international university, you must be passionate about your academics.
  • You must have a strong academic record.

How to Apply 

  • Both classes' applications must be submitted.
  • Upload your scholarship essay to the financing area.
  • In no more than 500 words, respond to the following question: "How will this program contribute to your commitment to transform the world, and how does this demonstrate your personality?"
  • Make careful to include any supporting documentation.
visit here to apply

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