NIG summer internship program 2024 in Japan is now accepting applications| Apply now

NIG summer internship program 2024 in Japan is now accepting applications| Apply now

The NIG summer internship program 2024 in Japan is a paid internship opportunity for undergraduate and master's students interested in pursuing careers in genetics and related subjects in life sciences overseas. This internship program at NIG Japan seeks to empower young researchers from all around the world. It is a ray of hope for overseas students at an era when the globe has been rocked by many crises. Students who are committed to this program are encouraged to participate in a variety of academic activities that promote mutual cooperation and technical excellence among global communities. Furthermore, as a technological powerhouse, Japan is aggressively developing research scholars through technology-driven development initiatives.
The research internship in Japan for international students consists of one month of practical experience on the East Asian continent under the supervision of the National Institute of Genetics. This unique initiative aims to effect good change in the world by encouraging young brains to form a network of progressive individuals. As a result, brilliant individuals will be able to assist reshape the world in accordance with the competitive criteria of modern technological breakthroughs. The summer internship program provides students with training in scientific research and communication, as well as lab visits to discuss the facts and questions with the particular host scientists. Students will be issued a certificate upon completion of the program and will be required to deliver a presentation.
The NIG internship in Japan enables talented and dedicated students to advance their professions while honing possibly gained skills throughout their careers in Japan. Furthermore, it enables bright researchers to collaborate with other individuals and establish their viewpoints in a worldwide society. Furthermore, the worldwide internship program provides students professional skills that will enable them to suggest potential answers to significant global concerns using technical techniques and approaches. It fosters intellectual ability in youngsters and instills a feeling of civic responsibility in them. Interns will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities, such as graduate program lectures, research seminars, and journal clubs, which will be hosted by either NIG's internal or external professors. Students that are enthusiastic in learning Japanese are also welcome.
The subsidized Japanese internship program 2024 allows students to do autonomous study while being mentored by highly skilled research researchers. The National Institute of Genetics creates new study areas within the larger science of genetics. Furthermore, the institute connects areas to continents and allows community access to diverse research facilities. Potential students are presented with a variety of systems to supplement their research talents. In terms of societal impact, the institution is motivated to aggressively share genetics' achievements to communities. It also connects industry and academics. In this approach, superior technology capabilities are transferred to enterprises in poor countries.
Eligible Candidates:
  • Undergraduate students
  • Postgraduate students


  • Round-trip international airfare from home to Japan.
  • Accommodation allowance will be provided at the institute's guesthouse.
  • A completion certificate will be issued.
  • Insurance for travel will be provided.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must be enthusiastic about exploring the topic of life sciences.
  • Candidates must be in their third year of a four-year bachelor's degree.
  • Candidates must be in their fourth year of a five-year bachelor's degree.
  • Candidates may be second-year bachelor's program graduates from this year.
  • Candidates must be in their first year of a master's degree.
  • Candidates must agree to follow the institute's rules and regulations.
  • Candidates must be able to keep information secret.
  • At the end of their internship, candidates must be able to submit an essay and a questionnaire.
  • Candidates must be ready to submit all boarding pass stubs from NIG flights.

Required Documents 

  • Detailed CV.
  • Letter of motivation or self-advertisement.
  • Copy of Academic transcripts.
  • Two recommendation letters from the teachers.
Application Deadline:
The application deadline for the NIG summer internship program 2023 in Japan is till January 9, 2024.
visit here to apply

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