Belgium Scholarships 2024 - 2025 KU Leuven Scholarship for International Students Masters Degree Study Free in Europe

Belgium Scholarships 2024 - 2025 KU Leuven Scholarship for International Students Masters Degree Study Free in Europe

With the KU Leuven Scholarship 2024, you may now study for free in Belgium. The KU Leuven Scholarship is now accepting applications. This scholarship is available at KU Leuven for overseas students studying in Europe. The Science@Leuven Scholarship 2024 is the name of KU Leuven's European scholarship. The Science@Leuven foreign student scholarship is offered for master's study. In Europe, the KU Leuven Scholarship offers up to 12,000 euros. The scholarship funds are used to pay for tuition, health insurance, basic insurance, and certain living expenses. This page will provide you with extensive information on the KU Leuven Scholarship 2024, including its perks, criteria, and application procedure.

International students from all over the world who are motivated, intelligent, and talented who want to participate in an international master's program at KU Leuven's Faculty of Science are eligible to apply for the Science@Leuven award. This Belgium award is only offered for a restricted number of master's programs; students applying for those master's programs may apply for this award in Belgium. As the Faculty of Science and its alumni organization Science@Leuven have gladly announced these Science@Leuven Scholarships in Europe for foreign students, the courses provided under this international scholarship in Europe are connected to natural sciences.

The KU Leuven Scholarship 2024 has a one-year lifespan. The Science@Leuven Fund will determine the scholarship amount, however it can be up to 12,000 euros for one year. Even if a student receives a full scholarship of 12,000 euros, it is still recommended that they carry some additional money to cover their living expenses in Belgium. Furthermore, the majority of the Master of Science degrees in the Faculty of Science are two-year programs. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Scholarship for the second master's year will be extended only if the student performed very well in their first master's year. KU Leuven was established in 1425. It has been a learning center for about six centuries. KU Leuven is Belgium's top-ranked university and one of the best in the world.

Eligible programs 
  1. Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  2. Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics
  3. Master of Biology
  4. Master of Geography
  5. Master of Chemistry
  6. Interuniversity Master of Geology (only specialisation Geodynamics and Georesources or Surface processes and Paleoenvironments)
  7. Master of Physics
  8. Master of Mathematics
  9. Master of Statistics and Data Science
  10. Master of Sustainable Development (ICP)
  1. Applicants must not have previously studied or worked at the University of Leuven.
  2. Must hold a bachelor's degree from a non-Belgian university that qualifies them for the master's program.
  3. You must not have a master's or a doctorate yet.
  4. Applicants must have exceptional study results and outcomes from previous training. Furthermore, candidates must get at least a Distinction during their master's studies.
  5. Applicants must have a very high command of the English language (a TOEFL score of 94 or an IELTS score of 7 overall).
  6. Applicants must be enthusiastic in pursuing a master's degree at the KU Leuven Faculty of Science.
  7. Must be willing to serve as a program ambassador.
  1. KU Leuven offers one-year scholarships of up to 12,000 Euros.
  2. The scholarship amount is determined by the Science@Leuven Fund's Board of Directors.
  3. The scholarship amount will cover one year's tuition, basic insurance, and health insurance coverage.
  4. The scholarship amount available for living expenses may vary. Even if a student receives a fully financed scholarship of 12,000 euros, it is still prudent to carry some additional cash.
  5. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven scholarship for the second year will be extended only if the student has excelled in his or her first year.
Documents Required:
  1. Two letters of recommendation from globally famous academics.
  2. Transcript of Records (a comprehensive list of courses with titles for which you have received ECTS credit).
  3. Give a brief summary of the courses from your prior or current program that are most relevant to the master's degree for which you are applying. (Approximately one-half to one page).
  4. Two letters of recommendation from globally famous academics.
  5. Motivation letter for the program.
Application Procedure: 
  1. Are you wondering "How to Apply for KU Leuven Scholarship?"
  2. To apply for this scholarship, click the Apply Now button and then follow the procedures below:
  3. First, use the KU Leuven application tool to apply for the qualifying master's program of your choosing.
  4. All needed papers must be uploaded by applicants using the KU Leuven application portal.
  5. After completing and submitting your master's program application, you will get a page indicating that you have successfully completed your application. Take a copy of this confirmation message since you will need to upload it when you apply for the Science@Leuven Scholarship.
visit here to apply


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