Your Comprehensive 2024 Guide to Studying in Japanese Universities Without IELTS

Your Comprehensive 2024 Guide to Studying in Japanese Universities Without IELTS

Having authentic IELTS evidence might improve your chances of receiving a scholarship. However, it is not required in Japan. Without IELTS, you can study at Japanese universities. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not required of scholarship applicants for Japanese scholarships. So, in this essay, I will list the universities in Japan that do not require IELTS.

Even several well-known Japanese scholarships, such as MEXT and JASSO, do not require proof of English proficiency. They also accept certifications of English competence or any other option. Furthermore, most Japanese colleges do not charge an application fee. As a result, you can apply as much as you like. The Japanese Government and Japanese Universities provide several fully paid scholarships in Japan. More information is provided below.

List of Universities to Study in Japanese Universities Without IELTS 

Here’s a list of some universities in Japan that don’t require IELTS for international admissions:

Public Universities:
  • Tohoku University
  • Hokkaido University
  • Osaka University
  • Kyushu University
  • Tokyo University of Science
  • Private Universities:
Asia Pacific University
  • Meiji University
  • Sophia University
  • Waseda University
  • Yokohama National University
List of Scholarships in Japan for International Students

Scholarship by Government and organizations:

MEXT Monbukagakusho Scholarship
This is the most prestigious scholarship available from the Japanese government, including full tuition and living costs. Undergraduate, graduate, and research students can use it.
  • Scholarship from JASSO
  • International Honjo Scholarship Foundation
  • For more information visit here
Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program

Scholarship by Japanese Universities

MEXT University Recommended scholarship is the most widely offered scholarship at Japanese universities. These scholarships are available to overseas students pursuing undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate degrees.
The Monbukagakusho Scholarship, commonly known as the MEXT Scholarship. Covers your entire entrance, tuition, housing, and airfare, as well as a monthly stipend.

It is a completely free award designed to assist overseas students in enrolling in Japanese colleges.

Which Universities Offer MEXT University Recommended Scholarship Program?

I have mentioned 36 top universities for MEXT University recommended scholarships:
  • Hiroshima University
  • Akita International University
  • Hokkaido University
  • Chiba University
  • Keio University Global Page
  • Hosei University
  • Kyoto University
  • International Christian University
  • Kyushu University
  • International University
  • Nagoya University
  • Kanazawa University
  • Osaka University
  • Kumamoto University
  • Tohoku University
  • Kwansei Gakuin University
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Kyoto Institute of Technology
  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University
  • Meiji University
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Nagaoka University of Technology
  • University of Tsukuba
  • Nara Institute of Science and Technology
  • Waseda University
  • Okayama University
  • Rikkyo University
  • Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
  • Ritsumeikan University
  • Shibaura Institute of Technology
  • Soka University
  • Sophia University
  • Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
  • Tokyo University of the Arts
  • Toyohashi University of Technology
  • University of Aizu

How to Study in Japan Without IELTS? 

institutions with No English Language Requirement: Some Japanese institutions do not need overseas students to take any English language competence examinations.

Alternatives to IELTS: Scores from other examinations, such as the PTE Academic or the Duolingo English Test, are also accepted by some colleges.

English Language ability: If you previously earned a degree at an English-medium university, you may be able to utilize your transcripts to demonstrate your English language ability.

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