Study Free in South Korea - UST South Korea Scholarships 2024-2025 Applications are now open for Masters, Phd for International Students
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
UST South Korea offers highly compensated scholarships for Masters, Master Leading to PhD, and PhD programs at 30 different UST institutes. The UST South Korea Scholarship application period for the Fall 2024 Intake is now open. UST is a popular and well-known university in South Korea. Contact the professor; if they like your profile, you will have a better chance of being selected. If no academics respond, you can still apply and be selected for future interviews by professors.
It is also advised that you take IELTS, TOEFL, or TEPS. UST contains 30 separate institutes, each with a specific area of research in Engineering and Sciences. Try looking up academics and finding links to them. Contact the appropriate professor at UST. You can find the list of professors at UST by searching Google for "List of Professors in UST Korea". More information regarding the UST South Korea Scholarship for the Fall 2024 intake is provided below.
Scholarship Value:
All foreign admitted students to UST will receive:
- University Entrance Fee
- Complete tuition fees will be provided.
- Monthly stipend:
- Masters Degree: KRW 1,200,000 per month.
- PhD Degree: KRW 1,600,000 per month.
- Services include medical insurance, accident insurance, an e-library, and counseling. Additionally, there is an overseas training and exchange program.
- UST Research Paper Award and Excellence Award (given upon graduation)
- Korean Language Course Fee.
Eligibility criteria:
To apply for the UST Scholarship for Fall 2024, applicants must meet the University of Science and Technology's standards for international students.
- Applicants from any country can apply, regardless of nationality.
- Candidates should include all of the documentation requested in the online application form.
- Korean citizens are not eligible to apply.
- Candidates seeking admission to the UST Masters Program must first obtain a Bachelor's Degree.
- Students who want to apply for a Ph.D. must have completed or plan to complete their Master's degree.
Documents Required:
- Bachelor’s Degree or Certificate of Expected Graduation
- Transcript of Bachelor’s Program
- Master’s Degree or Certificate of Expected Graduation
- Transcript of the Master’s Program.
- Master’s Degree Thesis
- Study Plan
- Letter of Recommendations.
- Application submission period: April 17th to May 8th, 2024.
- Interview: May 28th to June 17th, 2024.
- Announcement of Final Applicants: July 1, 2024.
- Admission registration: June 2nd to August 11th, 2024.
visit here to apply